The BibleOnWeb website contains numerous topics which are, in the main, short articles that summarize selected content from respected sources. They are systematically arranged and can be readily understood by someone new to the Bible. Topics may also include images, timelines, charts and videos.

Where a topic includes something (e.g., a word, idea or name) that might not be familiar to a reader, further information may “pop-up” when hovering over the word. A dotted line under the word indicates this is available. A word or phrase colored blue indicates it is linked to another topic. Clicking on it will open that topic.

To view a topic the participant must be logged into the site as a member .

Topics are grouped as follows:-.

  • “Key events & times” topics
  • Background topics
  • Discussion topics

“Key events and times” topics

These topics, also referred to as ‘big picture’ topics, provide a big picture framework through which to view the Bible. They help the reader understand how each part of the Bible fits within its overarching message of God restoring the broken relationship between humankind and himself.

In a sense this helps the reader to “step back” and see the “big picture” before zooming in to look closer.

Big picture topics are arranged hierarchically under a framework consisting of 6 main headings – Creation, the Fall, Israel, Jesus, Early Church and End times.

Readers can readily discover where each topic “fits” by referring to its breadcrumb.

Breadcrumb example

Background topics

These topics provide background information that is helpful for understanding the Bible passage under discussion. For example, cultural, political and religious background can provide context. As with “Key Events & Times” topics, they are systematically arranged.

“Key events & times” and “background” topics are, in the main, summaries of relevant material from the Encountering the Old Testament and Encountering the New Testament reference books.

Discussion topics

Each discussion series contains a number of discussion topics – one for each group discussion. These topics are to be read by group participants prior to meeting together and summarize relevant material from the Bible Speaks Today series. They include links to relevant “Key events & times” and “Background” topics.

Discussion topics also include questions for discussion. Providing these in advance enables group participants to give them prior consideration. These questions are designed to help: –

  • clarify topic material
  • appreciate the Bible passage’s message (particularly for its original recipients)
  • consider application for today

Topics are easily navigated.